American Latinos 1935-1945

“American Latinos 1935-1945”, is an immersive video installation that presents more than 200 images of Hispanic-Americans, captured almost a century ago by some of the most important photographers of  the 20th century.

These photos  belong to the legendary Farm Security Administration Collection, which has long been considered the largest documentary project ever undertaken.

“American Latinos 1935-1945” can be presented in museums and cultural institutions, and scaled to different needs.

Images courtesy of the Library of Congress – Prints & Photographs Division.


 “Somos” (We Are) is the first video installation commissioned by the National Museum of the American Latino. On its first week it inspired over 6 million dollars in donations for the museum.

“Somos” is on display at the National Museum of American History, in the Molina Gallery, at 1300 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC.

 “Somos” includes 150 portraits of US Latinos #shotoniphone.